Special Customers
What are special customers? How do I unlock them?
After you beat level 22-1, you can access the Customer Store via the icon in the top right corner of the main screen, and invite special cus...
How do I invite special customers?
There are several ways to invite special customers:1. Some special customers are available for purchase in the Customer Store.2. Some can be...
Why do special customers sometimes not show up in my restaurant after I've invited them?
Once you've invited a customer/customers, go to "My Customers" and select the ones you want to show up. You can also try out customers you h...
What are special customer abilities? What kinds of abilities do they have?
You can see info about special customers' abilities in the Customer Store. Info about Gold Pass customers' abilities will also show up in th...
Can I try out special customers to see how their abilities work?
You can go to the Customer Store and activate a free trial on the customer you would like to try out.The free trial will last 10 minutes. Du...
Can special customer abilities stack with other boosters and benefits?
Customer abilities and boosters can take effect at the same time, but they won't stack. For example:1. Good Vibes: customers' patience can o...
What are special customer blind boxes? How do I get them?
Special customer blind boxes can be found in the Customer Store. Buying a blind box will get you a new special customer. See below for detai...
What are special customer ability levels?
Each special customer ability has multiple levels. The higher the level, the more powerful its effects:1. Good Vibes: other customers' patie...
How to upgrade a special customer's ability?
Currently, there are two ways to upgrade a special customer's ability:1. Serve this customer in levels2. Give vouchers to this customer
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